29 July 2024

As the world eagerly tunes in to see which athletes are going to be crowned winners at this years Olympic games, we've been taking a closer look at some of the sporty skills of our own residents here at Whipsnade Zoo

They might not be participating in the next 100m sprint or going for gold in fencing but there are a whole range seriously impressive skills on show from some unexpected animal athletes.

Unexpected athletes #1

High jump? How about the high drop? 

Did you know that giraffe calves drop 2 metres to the floor when they’re born? That’s the same height as the women’s Olympic record for the high jump! If that wasn’t enough, these wobbly-legged calves are up and walking after just a couple of hours.

giraffe calves whipsnade 2024

Pop in to see who’s just dropped in at Whipsnade. Get the lowdown on our two new baby giraffes as they start exploring their space and getting to know the rest of the herd!

Meet the giraffes experience at Whipsnade Zoo

Unexpected athletes #2

You’ve seen the artistic swimming - but have you witnessed our flamingos’ artistic wading? 

Flamingos carry out impressive group sequences of synchronised dance moves - in up to 136 combinations. They finesse these routines as they get older, with the dances becoming increasingly intricate - until they reach around 20 years old. 

Flamingos at Whipsnade Zoo

They may not be not adorned in sequin onesies - but you can’t beat that bright pink plumage. It’s a 10/10 from us. 

Unexpected athletes #3

Eyes on the prize. You’ve seen the Olympic archery, but who is the true archer of the animal kingdom? We’re proposing… the weird and wonderful chameleon.

Its eyes work like no other animal’s, moving independently and providing almost 360 vision - while sending two totally separate pictures to the brain. When it has its prey in sight, the eyes work together, locking on - accurately gauging the distance - and then BAM!! Firing their ballistic, super sticky tongue at the target. And the stakes in this competition are high: miss, and their tongue, fired with such force, can become injured - threatening their ability to survive.

Panther chameleon on a branch with bright colours

Come and see our panther chameleon, George, going for gold at Whipsnade Aquarium!

Unexpected athletes #4

Watching the Olympic wrestling this year? At Whipsnade we’d give the gold to Mana. 

Our brown bears love a bit of rough and tumble in the sunshine. With sisters Mana and Minion taking the lead, our playful and mischievous bear pack can be seen bowling one another over in playful wrestling matches where just about anything goes. Let the games beargin!

Bears laying at the Zoo - European brown bears

Unexpected athletes #5

Swingers with skills. Okay, you won’t find our chimpanzees getting a hole-in-one on the golf course any time soon, but did you know that chimps use tools in more ways than any other animal (apart from humans)?

One of our very closest living relatives, chimps teach each other skills and techniques, sharing knowledge from generation to generation. This includes dipping sticks in honey to fish for termites and using rocks to break nuts - but given time who knows what skills they could perfect. 

Chimpanzee on a tree branch eating fruit in the wild

Come down to see our ‘tee-rrific’ chimps in action today!

See our unexpected athletes in action

There's no better time to visit Whipsnade zoo . Whether you come and see our animal athletes in action, play around at the Hullabazoo farm or treat yourself to an experience day, you're guaranteed to have tons of fun.