Whipsnade Zoo's Rhinos of Nepal habitat provides a fantastic home for our greater one-horned rhinos, highlighting ZSL's conservation work with these 'armour-plated giants'.

About the Rhinos of Nepal habitat
The £1m development features indoor heated pools so that our greater one-horned rhinos can enjoy their favourite pastime – wallowing in muddy water – all year round. A spacious viewing area allows the public to get closer to the rhinos indoors as well as watching them in their outdoor paddock.
A walk across to the “maternity wing” takes visitors through the specially-designed watch tower, modelled on those used by conservationists to spot rhinos in the field.
Rhinos of Nepal utilises recycled and local materials where possible (such as recycled railway sleepers and local sandstone). Making use of natural sunlight, and unique water treatment systems linked to a reed bed system to filter waste water before it drains away.
There are also many other features, such as rubberised flooring for improved foot care, safe animal confinement for training, and flexible stall spaces within a well-ventilated environment.
There are only around 3,700 greater one-horned rhinos left in the wild and they are under threat from habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching for their horns. These animals are restricted to less than a dozen protected areas, scattered across north and north-eastern India and southern Nepal.