Burrowing owl facts
Burrowing owls are the only owl species to live underground, and unlike most owls they are active throughout the day. They nest, roost and raise chicks in burrows which are left by other animals like armadillos or prairie dogs. Living in open areas with few trees, these burrows offer safety from predators and the midday sun. Burrowing owls have long legs, which helps them maintain their burrows and sprint after their prey. Their chicks emerge from their burrows to begin flying at six weeks old.

What do burrowing owls eat?
Burrowing owls eat moles and mice during late spring and early summer, switching to insects such as grasshoppers and beetles later in the year. They have also been known to eat birds, amphibians and reptiles.
Burrowing owl habitat
Burrowing owls can be found in any area open dry area with low vegetation, like grasslands, agricultural areas and deserts.